Ella Klassen | Entrepreneur’s Rant 002

1459741_10202208892382432_1121550472570714996_nWe live in an amazing time where anyone can start their own business without having to invest thousands of dollars. I can see somebody making an argument about it a few years ago. But right now, in a digital age – it’s not about the money anymore.

ALL you need is to know the FUNDAMENTALS of business – which are:

– Be ready to get up before everybody else
– Go to bed after everybody else
– Invest in yourself and your skills
– Don’t be afraid to make a lot of mistakes
– Surround yourself with like-minded people
– Be determined and never give up
– Do whatever it takes to achieve your goals

Believe it or not, I did not invest a penny to launch my InstaOptins course, as far as marketing and advertising goes – obviously I had to have the right tools and the platform but other than that – all I needed is the knowledge of strategic positioning, have a clear vision of my desired result, be laser focused and have the willingness to hustle. My course went on to generate over six figures in sales in under 2 months!

If you are looking to start your own business – and you don’t have any previous knowledge or experience. You MUST be ready to INVEST IN YOURSELF. Don’t think that you can start a business for free, never invest in yourself and expect any results from it.

The more you work on yourself and your skill in your specific niche or industry – the better results you will get.

There’s a HUGE difference between investing in starting a business and investing in yourself.

When you invest to start a business (for example: purchasing a franchise) – you pay thousands of dollars to buy an already established brand. It can be taken away from you, or it can go bankrupt, 95% of businesses fail within 5 years.

But when you INVEST IN YOURSELF – the wisdom, skill and knowledge you will acquire through the process – will always stay with you. You can use it immediately as you go, any future endeavors and later go on to create MILLION DOLLAR EMPIRES in the years to come!

It’s important to know the difference.

I find some people complain that they have to spend a ton of money when they get online, I personally always envisioned it as an investment in myself – and I never cared about how much money I have to invest into my education because I was willing to learn and to do whatever it takes to get to where I am today.

That is why I believe we live in a world full of opportunities, all we have to do is find the right one for us and take full advantage of it!

You have GREATNESS within you and you can create a life of FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE if you are determined to achieve it!

– Ella Klassen

Entrepreneur's Rant

Mr. Sean Smith | Entrepreneur’s Rant 001


I refer customers to people that I feel as though who are awesome at what they do. Don’t say that I’m not supporting you because I haven’t bought something that I don’t need from you.
If you haven’t had someone come to you saying that I referred them, it could be because one of two things.

1) I haven’t come across someone looking for the products or service that you provide.
2) You haven’t shown that you do amazing work, or are dedicated to what you do.

I know a lot of people in different industries, and the people who go hard to build up their business day in and day out are going to be the people I support and stand behind.
I refuse to support someone who does nothing to better their business. One of the biggest growing experiences I’ve had is when a gentleman who is worth around $500,000,000 told me “NO”, to a product I was offering to sell him. He didn’t have to explain himself, I knew why.

We must PROVE to the marketplace that what we have to offer, is what they need. It’s not just about going through the sales process and hoping to make a sell.
Show people why you deserve to get the business over other people. If you don’t, please don’t complain about people not supporting you.
It’s a hard lesson to learn, but you’ll soon come to understand why things work this way.

– Mr. Sean Smith
BLK Unitum | Hustler’s Digest

Com Mirza | Words of Wisdom From The 500 Million Dollar Man

Wanted to share with you some words of wisdom, from the 500 million dollar man, Com Mirza. Enjoy!

Thank god it’s Friday but don’t get complacent there is much to do!

I’ve seen so many people reach a position of comfort or success even to a medium degree and then get complacent. An extra million in revenue and all they want is to drive nicer cars live in a nicer place and experience the world in a nicer way. In many cases those who initially succeed beyond what they originally expected get lazy complacent and ultimately afraid of their own potential. That’s why you find the guy who made 1 million only trying to make 2 million. Or trying to increase they’re level of success by a small manageable believable margin. Instead of a skyrocketing figure that is scary even to think about let alone strive to achieve.
Not everyone wants to be a mega success. It honestly takes tremendous effort sacrifice and patience to withstand and manage mega success. The management part is the key. Which is why it’s not for the majority and more suited to the minority. The road less travelled is the one where discomfort and progress come equally in each step that you take. It’s less crowded because there’s less people willing to live in perpetual discomfort. Yet mega success is the ability to live in discomfort as if it were not really discomforting at all but just the standard way of life. Dealing with headaches challenges and setbacks more frequently is just a regular part of the job discription at that level.

Too many people think they are successful and that it is going to last a long time without growing everyday to become the mind that can manage that success. My philosophy is your greatest success of yesterday dies yesterday. Nothing will last forever time is only decreasing from your life and the world doesn’t make anything easier or free. The super high achievers and the super high performers don’t get complacent. They don’t stay lazy or stay procrastinating. They stay steady progressing always in motion always building momentum always pushing the boundaries and limits. They are usually the ones who end up becoming the hundred millionaires and billionaires we see in the success world.

Everyone wants to be like Elon musk but 99% of the people are unwilling to learn work take risks and sacrifice like Elon musk does and did in the past. When I was a kid I wanted to be like Michael Jordan so bad. I bought the shoes I wore the jersey I stuck out my tongue and drove the ball down the lane thinking I could fly. And when no one was around I would shoot the ball a thousand times a day. I would practice dribbling up an down the driveway till I knew every bump and crack in the pavement. I worked really hard I strived to be just like Mike. The result was I was a good basketball player. I wasn’t the best but good is good enough when 99% of the people don’t practice at all.

Business works the same way, when we compare ourselves to those doing far less than us we feel we are successful we are doing well we are better than our peers. And that breeds complacency. If you were the fastest man alive you wouldn’t want to race anyone slower than you it’s just not challenging enough for you. If I was the fastest man alive I would be racing cheetahs and grey hounds and horses. I wouldn’t settle for the fastest man but would strive to be the fastest living thing on the planet. I may never ever get there but That’s what breeds a deeper hustle and a strong resolve to realize a higher potential. Most people compare them selves to slow pokes and then think they are doing amazing because others are so slow. I compare myself to those doing better than me so there’s always another level to my success.

The top gets higher the more that I climb. The mountain peak is rarely ever reached because it just keeps growing and so does my potential to climb. You have to realize that most people have short success. It’s temporary it won’t last nearly as long and the income will eventually be spent mismanaged or wasted. Once people realize some success they no longer desire to work as hard sacrifice as much or hustle as committed to realize higher levels of success. Just remember your either a massive value to the world based on what you can still do or your living in the past based on value that’s already been consumed and your no longer contributing anything of major service or value to the world.

You can rest after adding some value around you but focus on adding the maximum amount of value you truly can based on your potential not your past. Nothing last forever but committing to a dream chasing hustle until your potential is reached should last a lifetime.

~ Com Mirza